healthy dessert

31 August, 2015

4 Ingredient Pumpkin Fudge (Vegan, Paleo)

  As far as I am concerned once August is over the pumpkin season can begin.  As much as I love summer fruits and am sad to see them go until next season, I look forward to all the produce that...

3 December, 2014

The Best Healthy Gingerbread Cake

Tis the season and I wanted to try to make a healthy version of gingerbread.  I tried one recipe that was a total failure and then I realized that I probably had a good recipe all along.  I simply modified...

24 October, 2014

Pumpkin Blondies (Made Healthy)

I have been obsessed lately with baking with unconventional ingredients.  Anyone can bake with flour, but how about baking with oats or lentils instead?  Using ingredients like these are less processed then traditional flour, naturally gluten free, and add more...

17 October, 2014

Healthy Homemade Snickers Bars

Sometimes I wonder if I should even post certain recipes.  I mean if you do an Internet search for homemade Snickers recipes you will find all kinds of versions.  Some healthier then others, some made with real food and others...

28 October, 2013

Raw German Chocolate Brownies

Dates can be found at the grocery store year-round, but fall is the time of year when they are in season and ready for harvest.  If you have been following my blog, then you know that I love dates.  I...